Events — Blog — The New Narrative


Journaling Prompts for Processing the Pandemic: Work/Life

Journaling Prompts for Processing the Pandemic: Work/Life

Journal prompts for exploring your experiences around our work lives and the pandemic. What changed? What changes might have been positive? What changes might have been stressful? How will you think about work life different going forward?

Journaling Prompts for Processing the Pandemic: Friends and Family

Journaling Prompts for Processing the Pandemic: Friends and Family

This post has some suggested journaling prompts for thinking about your relationships with friends and family, and how it might have changed during the pandemic.

Melissa Tucker from The New Narrative presents Love, Sex, and Relationships

Melissa Tucker from The New Narrative presents Love, Sex, and Relationships

Melissa Tucker shares her story of being a single, 40-year-old pastor exploring the message she received about dating from growing up in the church and trying to have something close to dating life now in her unique role now. "Whether you grew up in Christian subculture or not, you'll likely remember those 'WWJD' bracelets that stood for "What would Jesus do?".