What Do You Really Think About Your Job?
We all have opinions on what we do for work or how we make a living, but we don't always share them openly. We want to know what people really think about their jobs. Do they feel fulfilled in what they do or does it drain them every day? Do they make enough money or does going to work feel like moving backward?
Work Money Interactives
How Much Do You Make?
How Does Debt Affect Your Life?
Work and Money Beliefs
Volunteers needed the New Narrative presents: Work/Money
Call for Speakers: Work/Money
Call for Speakers: Work, Money, and Perception
Call for Speakers: Work, Money, and Identity
Who we are and how we appear in the world can greatly influence the opportunities for work and money that are available to us. What we do for a living and how much money we make can also influence how the world perceives us and what we think of ourselves. The second of three sub themes we want to explore for the New Narrative event on the theme of Work/Money is Identity. What story ideas do you have for this sub theme?
Call for Speakers: Work, Money, and Power
There’s an obvious power dynamic involved with work and money in our world. They exist as omnipresent institutions in our thoughts and daily endeavors. No matter how much we try, it’s nearly impossible to go more than a couple minutes without thinking about both. We’re interested to hear your story ideas that could work for the Work/Money/Power theme of our upcoming event.