What Does It Mean to Build Community?

We’ve recently revamped the Mission statement for The New Narrative and want to use the next three posts to go more in depth into each of the three pillars of the new mission statement, which are Build Community, Discover Ourselves, & Change the Narrative. In this first post we’ll start with Build Community. 

What does it mean to be in a community? 

We all long to be a part of a community. In fact, it’s one of our primary evolutionary drives.

Community is ideally a place where we feel safe and loved, that we are with the people we belong with, and that amongst these people we can be ourselves. There are no masks or attempts to “fit in,” but just a feeling of calm, belonging and acceptance.

Creating communities is hard because we’ve spent our whole lives putting guards up, blocking ourselves from each other and claiming our space. Boundaries are important and having our own space is valuable, but creating space for others in our lives is the essence of what it means to build community. It comes from us offering it to each other rather than finding it for ourselves. We create it with our acts of kindness, openness and courage.  

Creating community is primary to the mission of the New Narrative. We’re going to work together towards learning about ourselves, pushing back on the social narratives that separate us, taking action on important social justice issues, all while also learning how to bring happiness and connection back into our lives.  

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