What Does It Mean to Change the Narrative?

We’ve recently revamped the Mission statement for The New Narrative and are in our last of three posts going more in depth into the three pillars of the new mission statement; Build Community, Discover Ourselves, & Change the Narrative. We’ll wrap up the series with Change the Narrative. 

Our society comes with a default narrative. It projects morality and worthiness on “hard work,” rewards tacit respect for authority, discourages deviation, and is loaded with social hierarchies that keep us all separated and antagonized towards each other. 

What comes with these narratives is a separation from ourselves and learning to truly value the world around us, including our connection to ourselves, others, and the natural world. 

To change the narrative means to undo all that and replace it with “new narratives” that are more equitable, fulfilling and sustainable for all. This means honoring each other's individuality and protecting the rights of everybody in our communities. This also means breaking from the cycle of hustles, scarcity, overwork, and consumerism that stems from our capitalist system. And it also means protecting the natural world by learning to appreciate it, lessening our impact, and seeing our oneness with the natural cycles around us. 

To do this, we need to write and share new stories that reflect these values, as well as elevate the folks that are already doing it. We need to give credit to all those that came before us in this journey, learn to build off the work that’s been done, and make it more accessible and desirable to a wider audience too. 

Most of all it means recognizing the narratives we hold in ourselves and making the conscious decision to change them to new narratives that reflect our actual values in body and mind. 

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