By Nathan Young
Last week we were able to get some people together in person for the first time since the pandemic started. I feel like the consensus was definitely that we should do it again, even make it a semi-regular thing. I would love to do that.
The big question that comes up for me is what to do for these gatherings. Do we want to do the show and tell again or something else? Do something structured or do something loose? Something fun or something more serious?
Below are some ideas. Some are my own, some I've gotten from you all. I'm open to other ideas too.
The schedule is gonna be weird for the next couple of weeks too. I'm available this weekend, but not the next two. If people are willing and available to get together this weekend, I'm happy to host again. If not, unless someone else wants to host, it might be a month until I can be available for the next gathering. Which is fine but not ideal.
Anyways, here are the ideas:
1) Processing the Pandemic: I've had a handful of people approach me saying that there's so much they're still processing about the pandemic but the world seems ready to move on. Finding a space to talk some things out still could be valuable to some. The show and tell kinda worked in this regard too.
2) Show and Tell but a different theme: Summer? Father's day? Pride? Juneteenth? Does it even need a theme at all? Just bring something important to you?
3) Community Check-in question: I used to host regular community check-ins that were just four questions. 1) what are you grateful for? 2) what are you working on? 3) what are you worried about? 4) what are you hopeful for? I always found these questions created gratifying conversations and opportunities for all of us to think about parts of our life that we don't always reflect on.
4) Something creative: a drawing circle? Arts and crafts? I'd love to offer this eventually but I personally don't have any supplies so I'd need help with this route.
5) Something less structured: Just come hang out in a park. No plan. No structure. Maybe bring snacks but mostly just hang out.
If there's anything on this list in particular that stands out to you, let me know. If you've got a completely different idea, that's fine too. I'd love to hear it.