Join the First Affinity Groups

By Nathan Young

The first set of New Narrative Affinity Groups are ready to roll out! We’ll start with three; Storytelling, Podcasting, and Social Justice. 

The Storytelling affinity group is for anybody that wants to personally grow as a writer, speakers, and storyteller; become more confident in sharing their own story; and/or help others in sharing their own story as well. Initial conversations will focus on creating new offerings around storytelling and how it fits with the mission of the New Narrative. 

The Podcasting affinity group is for anybody that wants to learn more about podcasting, help produce a podcast, and/or launch their own podcast. Initial conversations will be around sharing knowledge and figuring out how podcasting will fit with the mission of the New Narrative. 

The Social Justice affinity group is for anybody that cares deeply about justice around race, gender, environmental protection, economic justice, and more. Initial conversations will be around defining key issues for the New Narrative and how we can best show up for these issues as a collective. 

There is also the Steering Committee which will be planning the long term goals and vision of the New Narrative, creating strategic partnerships, and serving in a leadership capacity to keep all the affinity groups operating on mission and in accordance with one another.

Feel free to sign up for as many or as few affinity groups as you’d like. The main thing to be conscientious of is your own bandwidth and other commitments. Some affinity groups might require very little outside of what you’re already doing. Others might be more involved. It’s okay to sign up and be a more passive participant for a while as you feel things out too.

I’ll all start adding some people to these groups myself based on the preferences they’ve shared with me previously.

You should receive an email shortly after filling out the form with further instructions. This will either be a doodle poll to help schedule for the first meeting, or the date of the next meeting if one has already been scheduled.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
