Sharing the Mission and Values of the New Narrative

By Nathan Young

This will be the first of many blog posts that will explore the mission, core values, and ideas of The New Narrative.

In the aggregate, these posts will serve as a sort of “manifesto” of the New Narrative that can be referenced and also updated with new posts as the need arises.

The idea behind sharing these here and in this context is because one of the primary issues I’ve run into every time I tried to grow the New Narrative is there has been a lack of clarity of what the core objectives and processes of the project are all about.

This is 100% on me.

While I might have had a clear vision and set of objectives in my head, I’ve never been particularly good at openly laying out my thought processes and why I’ve constructed the project the way I have.

It’s led to a lot of confusion from folks about what types of projects we might offer in the future and what kind of speakers would be a good fit for our events.

I hope by writing this all out and sharing, it will serve to clarify the goals and objectives, and also chart a path forward that will be expressed with more clarity than I have done in the past.

The other hope of doing it in this format of the rolling blog and social media posts is to make it iterative.

If there is a lack of clarity, I hope that it comes out via the response to the post. This will enable me to adjust as needed and hopefully share more clarity.

Most of all, I want to grow this project, connect with more people, and get others involved. I know that it’s been incredibly impactful for so many folks that have come to our workshops, spoken at our events, connected with new people, and gained a new voice in their life and how they express themselves.

My hope above all else is to increase that impact to empower all of us to become leaders in shaping the world towards one that is more equitable, fulfilling, and sustainable for all.

I hope these posts end up being helpful. Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or questions.

You can leave a comment below, or email me at

