Can You Help Us With Our Social Media?

Let’s be honest… our social media presence is lacking, to say the least. We’d love to develop a more coherent strategy and have the people power to make it happen. Is this something you can help us with?

If so, we’d love to talk to you about taking on a volunteer role as our social media manager.

The basic role would be developing new content and repurposing existing content to maintain a regular social media presence for the New Narrative. This would also include scheduling regular posts about upcoming events and working to expand the audience as well.

The platforms we’ve been prioritizing have been Facebook and Instagram but we’re open to including other channels as well. Ideally, we’d like somebody that’s already pretty savvy with social media and can teach us a few things about how to do it better; including ad buys, creating a calendar process, and other strategies.

We’re also open to somebody that wants to learn and could benefit from access to a platform and audience to work with.

Projected workload: 2-6 hrs/wk.

If this sounds appealing to you, get in touch with us via the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP.