ReThink is a new event series from the New Narrative focused on facilitated discussions about topics that don’t often get openly addressed; everything from sex, money, religion, to community-building, personal identity, and self-worth. The goal is to create an affirming space for discussion so all of us can operate with more knowledge, language, and solidarity as we tackle the difficult aspects of our lives.
ReThink follows a model similar to a “World Cafe.” Each event will feature a set of discussion tables with designated facilitators. The facilitators will guide the table through different discussion questions pertaining to the main topic. Attendees will split up and rotate around, spending approximately 20 minutes at each table, before rotating to the next one.
The hope is that by moving around and sharing ideas, a richer level of conversation and new connections will emerge. We’ll leave time at the end of the session to share thoughts, insights and potential next steps with the larger group too.
The event is open to the public but advance registration is greatly appreciated. Some of the discussions will be on sensitive topics and might not be appropriate for everybody. We ask that you exercise maturity and open-mindedness should you attend a ReThink event.
Be a Rethink Facilitator
We’re always looking for facilitators and topic ideas for upcoming events.